Student Handbook
Jane Addams Student Handbook
The full student handbook will be available on grade level “Program Support” Schoology pages.
Technology Use Policy- “Away for the Day”
We live in a world where technology is everywhere, affecting your daily life as a student but also impacting the choices you make for the future. At the same time, it is well known that technology can be overwhelming. At JAMS, we want everybody to work together in a way that acknowledges how much we want and need personal technology, while also not letting technology drive us away from each other.
With your health and social well-being in mind, Jane Addams has adopted an “Away for the Day” policy with regards to personal devices.
- Phones, music players, headphones, and other personal devices should not be used during school hours.
- In the hallways, school entryways, and outdoors on school grounds students will sometimes need technology to check the time, check a message, or do some other quick task. Do that, but otherwise keep your technology (again, including earbuds and headphones) put away.
If a student’s personal technology is out, seen, or heard then the consequence(s) will be as follows:
1st incident:
- Warning to power the device off and put it away
2nd incident:
- The phone or device will be safely secured by the classroom teacher or office.
- The teacher contacts the student’s home via email, Talking Points, or phone call to inform of incident.
- The student can pick up their phone after-school, no sooner.
If phone/personal device use becomes a pattern:
- The family will need to make a cell phone agreement with administration.
- Continued use will result in student no longer being allowed to carry the phone with them throughout the day.
Laptop Use
Laptops should only be used for educational purposes, while always following individual teacher expectations. If laptop use is part of an educator’s daily routine the following expectations apply:
- When an educator says laptops at 45, students will close their laptops to 45 degrees and look up at their educator
- Laptops may only be used for educational purposes including websites and software directed by your educator
- Music and videos may only be accessed if part of the lesson
How will educators uphold this?
If technology is distracting a student from their learning, educators will provide an initial warning. If technology continues to detract from learning:
- The educator will communicate with the student and family
- If technology continues to be used for non-educational purposes, the educator will request admin support
Electronic Security, Safety, and Etiquette
- Use of school computers requires every student to agree to a Network Use Agreement. Students using school and district online resources from home (including the Source, Schoology, district subscriptions, and other online resources provided by a teacher) must also follow this policy.
We realize that you are growing young people and will get hungry from time to time. It’s important that all students eat breakfast and lunch. However, we do not allow students to eat inside classrooms during class time because 1) rats like crumbs and rats are gross, 2) many of our students have food allergies, and 3) we want your full attention on what is happening during class.
All JAMS students are encouraged to eat breakfast in our cafeteria. Breakfast begins at 8:40 and ends at 8:50. Students must go directly to the cafeteria before 8:50 if they plan to eat breakfast at school. Accommodations will be made when busses are late.
Students may:
- Eat a quick nutritional snack during non-instructional time, in the hallway right outside of their classroom
- Consume water in class
- Students are expected to throw away their trash in common area trash bins
Students may not:
- Eat full meals in the hallway
- Have any beverage in the hall or classrooms except for water
Food and beverages must be consumed in the cafeteria. Our cafeteria is a great space, and we need every JAMS student to do their part to clean their tables and stack their chairs.
During lunch, students should use the restroom located on the south side of the building (gym side). There is a boy’s, girls and gender inclusive restroom on the first floor. The cafeteria hall pass must be used when going to the restroom during lunchtime.
These are the only restrooms and hallways that students should be in during lunch. Students found in other locations will be escorted back to the cafeteria and may lose their privilege of lunch time activity choice.
Anti-Harassment Policy
At JAMS, it is unacceptable to tease, touch, spread rumors, or assault someone because of:
- which country they come from
- the color of their skin
- their religion or religious dress
- the language they speak at home
- whether they have a disability
- what they wear to school
- how much money their family has
- sexual orientation
- sexual identity
- whether they like boys or girls
- how they look
Teasing is a form of harassment. Harassment is prohibited by the Seattle School Board, and by state and federal law-Bill #1444. “Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment – Engaging in intentional written, verbal or physical bullying, intimidating or harassing conduct that: physically harms a student or damages the student’s property, is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’ s education; or has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.” Harassing someone WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
If a student continues to bother someone after being told not to, the student will be required to attend a family conference with the appropriate administrator and face possible suspension. The best way to STOP harassment is to TREAT EVERYONE WITH positivity and kindness.
If a student/family feels they are being harassed or treated unfairly, the family can contact their administrator to request a HIB (Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying form). This can be reported in person or over email, and can be done confidentially if requested. More information can also be found on the district website.
Specifically, use of the n-word and f-slur are prohibited at Jane Addams.
Students will be assigned a locker, and are expected to use the locker to store any sports equipment including balls of any kind. Students may access their locker before school, after school, and during passing periods. Any locker problems should be reported to the custodian. Students are charged $10.00 for lost locks and a new lock will not be issued until the $10.00 fine is paid in full. Students are reminded that lockers are considered school property and may be opened by school authorities at any time.
Going on Vacation
If a student goes on vacation during the school year, the student and their family must notify all teachers and the Attendance Office two weeks prior to the trip, giving as much advance notice as possible. Students must complete a pre-arranged absence form prior to the absence. Forms are available in the attendance office. Teachers cannot guarantee and are not required to make assignments available for students before they leave on the trip. Upon a student’s return to school, it is their responsibility to collect missed work from each teacher and complete it by the date agreed to by the teacher, student, and family. While students can make up missed assignments, it is impossible to make up for the classroom experience, and we encourage families to arrange vacations during scheduled school vacations and holidays.
Dress Code
All students must wear:
- Clothing that fully covers genitals, buttocks, and nipples
- Footwear: shoes or sandals
- Clothing that is required for success in certain classes as described in those class syllabi
Students may not wear:
- Violent language or images, or depictions of weapons;
- Language or images showing drugs (legal or illegal), alcohol, or any illegal activity;
- Hate speech, profanity, pornography
- Language or images that create a hostile or intimidating environment based on any class or consistently marginalized group;
- Clothing that reveals undergarments (visible waistbands and visible straps are allowed);
- Swimwear (unless as part of a class or athletics);
- Bandanas;
- Any item that covers the face (except as religious observance or for medical reasons).
- Use hoods or other head coverings to conceal earbuds or headphones.