Counseling Team
School counselors are available to meet with students and families during the school day to discuss and support Academic, Social/Personal, and College/Career needs such as:
- Organization and General Study Skills
- Teacher Consultation
- 6th and 9th Grade Transitions
- Peer Problem-Solving
- Group Counseling
- Understanding High School Credits
In order to help prepare for High School and Beyond, SPS requires students to complete Naviance lessons from 6-12th grade. Naviance is a college and career readiness software provider that partners with K–12 institutions to provide students with college planning and career assessment tools. Students have access to this tool throughout the entire time within SPS and can use all of the resources it has to offer. Below are the lessons that we complete at Jane Addams.
6th Grade – Road Trip Nation
7th Grade –Career Key Assessment and Scholarship Lesson
8th Grade – Learning Styles Inventory and Course Planner
SBIRT – Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Services
Our department also has the honor of having Mr. Daniel Adjei in our school building. He completes SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Services) to all 7th grade students and 8th graders. The SBIRT data supports our team in addressing all student needs.