23-24 Supply List
Posted on: July 31, 2023

23-24 Supply List
All students should have:
- Backpack
- Headphones/earbuds
- Pencils/erasers
- Pens (black or blue)
- Pencil Pouch
- Composition books (2 lined and 2 graphing)
- Class Organization (pick one option)
- Small Binder and Dividers
- 6 Folders – pocket folders can be either paper or plastic (to organize each class separately)
Other supplies your student may want:
- Colored pencils
- Glue sticks
- Markers
- Pencil Sharpener
- Highlighter
- Ruler
Specific classes may ask for students to have additional supplies.
We will have school supplies available in the main office on the 1st day of school for students who need them.
In order to support all students and classroom activities we are asking for donations for supplies. $50 recommended, but pay as you’re able. Donate through SchoolPay.
We’re also taking donations of supplies in the main office. Most needed are: Pencils, Composition Notebooks, Colored Pencils, Scissors, Pencil Pouches, Glue Sticks