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Student Led Conferences 4/10 and 4/11 JAMS student led conferences are taking place on Thursday, 4/10, and Friday, 4/11. Friday 4/11 is a no school day for students. What are Student Led Conferences? Student Led Conferences are a time where students will guide their families to their classrooms and share their learning. We will offer three…

JAMS Spring Sports JAMS Spring Sports All students must sign up for sports and be cleared in FinalForms BEFORE they can participate in tryouts or practices. Instructions and links for FinalForms here. All tryouts and practices are from 4-5:30pm. Boys Soccer Tryouts: Thursday, March 20th and Monday, March 24th on the JAMS…

Prospective Family Night Prospective Family Night Date: February 12th Time: 6:30-8:00pm All prospective students and families are welcome to come and learn more about the JAMS community! We will gather in the auditorium for a brief introduction about the school from Principal Montgomery and then families and students will have opportunity to learn…

JAMS Clubs Clubs at Jane Addams All clubs meet after school from 4:00-5:30 unless otherwise noted. Mondays: Tutoring with Nathan Hale Students (beginning March 2nd)Contact: Ms. ValerieRoom: Cafeteria Dungeons & Dragons ClubContact: Ms. GilwitRoom: 112 Theatre at Jane Addams (TAJA)Contact: Ms. HandleyRoom: Auditorium/121 Science Fair ClubContact: Ms. Van MoreRoom: 118 Black Student…

Picture Retakes 11/5 Picture Retakes 11/5 Yuen Lui Studio will photograph makeup/retake portraits at Jane Addams Middle School on Tuesday, November 5 from 11am-2pm. Students should stop by the auditorium during their lunch to have their photo taken. Makeup portraits: students who missed picture day should plan on getting a portrait taken on…

UPDATED: JAMS Basketball Tryouts JAMS Basketball Tryouts (Dates Updated) JAMS Basketball Tryouts are coming up! All students must be cleared to participate through FinalForms before they can attend tryouts. More info on Athletics and registering. Tryouts and practices take place in the JAMS gyms from 4:00-5:30. Teams will be announced before winter break…

New and Returning Club Application New and Returning Club Application The JAMS Club application is officially open: JAMS 2024-2025 New and Returning Club Application. Returning ClubIf you club existed last school year, you will still need to fill out the basic information about your club via the JAMS Club application. Please wait…

JAMS Curriculum Night: October 10th, 5:30-8:30pm JAMS Curriculum Night: October 10th, 5:30-8:30pm JAMS Curriculum Night Thursday, October 10th, 5:30-8:30pm Curriculum Night is a wonderful chance to meet the team of teachers working with your student. This is not a time for individual conferencing, however. Students are welcome to attend with their families but please note it…

8th Grade Camp Orkila 9/25-27 8th Grade Camp Orkila 9/25-27 Updated- Wednesday, 9/25, 7:45am: Students arrive to JAMS with camp luggage. Drop off luggage to box truck in back parking lot. Friday, 9/72: We plan to return to JAMS by the end of the school day, but this could change based on ferry and traffic…