7th & 8th Grade Elective Descriptions
7th & 8th Grade Elective Descriptions
Semester Electives
Drum Line (MFA8500 Percussion Ensemble)
- 2nd semester, must be in a yearlong music class
Drum Line is a NEW class at JAMS for next year. Students who want to learn to play percussion instruments in a March Band type setting should speak with Ms. Hensiek to get more information.
Guitar (MFA8418 Guitar Lab)
- Semester
Turn your dreams of being a guitar player into a reality! In Guitar Lab 1 you will learn skills and techniques to play various styles of guitar music. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome.
Physical Education (MPE8016 Physical Education)
- Semester
The Physical Education program provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive program consisting of skill development, lead up games, team sports, and physical fitness activities. The students receive instruction in skills, rules and strategies associated with the different sports and games as well as learning experiences involving physical conditioning activities, and the components of fitness. The program promotes the spirit of cooperation, leadership, fair play, and friendly competition.
Visual Arts (MFA8520 Visual Arts Adv)
- Semester
In this course we will experiment with a variety of materials to create a strong understanding of the basic elements of Art. Some projects will include drawing, painting, clay and collage. Students will work on both two and three-dimensional projects. Along with the projects we will also explore different artists and the style they worked in.
Ceramics (MFA8403 Ceramics Beginning)
- Semester
In this course students will learn the basic hand-building techniques (coil building, slab building and pinch pot construction). Students will spend the second half of the course designing and carrying out guided independent projects that utilize these hand-building techniques while focusing on the artistic elements of form and shape. In addition, students will have the opportunity to learn the basics of wheel throwing on the potter’s wheel.
7th & 8th grade Theatre (MFA8518 Theatre Advanced)
- Semester
This class is an introduction to dramatic arts. Emphasis will be placed on dramatic techniques and presentation. The class is structured so that students of different levels can progress at their own pace. Units of study include pantomime, tableaux, character, and improvisation. This is a high energy, out-of-your-seat, creativity-based class. Everyone welcome!
Advanced drama students will continue to practice the skills introduced in Drama I. Students will perform several short plays for the class during the first quarter. The second quarter will be a focused study of one play that we will perform on stage. Possible options include acting roles, costuming, lighting, and props. Introduction to Theatre is a pre-requisite for this class.
MESA 8 (MSC1181 MESA Science 8A)
- Semester
Be a scientist and engineer! STEM provides innovative, hands-on opportunities in mathematics, basic and applied science, and engineering. Design and build bridges, mousetrap cars, glider planes, and model rockets. Study the science behind climate change and come up with solutions. Explore the world of microscopic life. Learn to write computer programs. Build robots and program them to navigate an obstacle course. And much more!
Yearlong Elective
Technical Theatre
In this course, students will gain practical knowledge about the behind the scenes needs of plays as they collaborate to design Jane Addams’ plays. Study will include, but is not limited to, designing and constructing costumes, sets, and properties, operating light and sound systems, publicity, and educational outreach.
Student Government (MSS9579 Student Government A)
- Yearlong (applications due by Feb. 10th for the 2025-26 school year)
Leadership is an elective that brings together a diverse group of students from different backgrounds to set the tone for student voice at JAMS. This group is in charge of planning, hosting, and creating our assemblies as well as providing assistance to big events, such as: Native American heritage month, Veterans Day, African American history month, Multicultural Night, and the school talent show just to name a few.
- Yearlong
šəqačib has two objectives: Identity safety and academic achievement. Our classroom is a Native focused space that supports, encourages and pushes students to becoming confident life-long learners. Students receive extra time and support in all subject areas. The class also explores Native teachings, history, and ways of living; students are encouraged to explore their own tribal identity as well as critically analyze and discuss current issues that impact all tribes. Students who identify as American Indian, Alaskan Native, Canadian First Nations or Pacific Islander are encouraged to take the class.
Journalism (MLA0157 Journalism 1A)
- Yearlong
Students in this course will create the school newspaper and yearbook.
This course is a survey of all aspects of the communications umbrella. It develops awareness and understanding of news elements and give students experience in gathering, reporting and editing the new with emphasis on the print media. The course covers headline writing, make-up, feature writing, sports writing, editorial writing, advertising, copy reading and proofreading. Emphasis is on mastering the news story structure, but study also includes the rights and responsibilities, history, organization, operation, and control of the print media.
Music Department
All music classes are yearlong electives.
All orchestra classes are yearlong.
Introductory Orchestra (MFA88505 Introductory Orchestra)
This course is for students who have had no previous training on a string instrument. Students will learn the basic techniques of posture, caring for the instrument and bow, position, bowing techniques, fingerings, and basic reading of rhythms and notes. The ensemble will begin learning songs in unison and progress to playing as a multi-part ensemble. Students will perform in three concerts.
Premier Orchestra (MFA8515 Premier Orchestra)
This course is for students with at least one year of instrument study who have met the audition requirements. Students in the class will benefit from further instruction in music reading and performance fundamentals with their chosen instrument. There will be three concerts scheduled during the year for this group.
Intermediate Orchestra ( MFA8438 Intermediate Orchestra )
This course requires two years of instrument study and an audition. Students in this group are at an advanced level of instrumental technique and reading proficiency (demonstrating shifting and developing vibrato). There will be three school concerts as well as other festivals and performances outside of school. Admission is by audition or teacher approval.
Concert Orchestra (MFA4811 Concert Orchestras)
This course is for students who have successfully completed Junior Orchestra, or who demonstrate the required skills in an audition. Students will expand their knowledge and skills through instrumental technique and literature and will explore more advanced concepts of ensemble playing. There will be three school concerts as well as other festivals and performances outside of school. Travel will be required. Admission is by audition or teacher approval.
Chamber Orchestra (MFA8405 Chamber Orchestra)
This course focuses on advancing listening skills and playing techniques with the goal of making friends, having fun, and preparing students for successful participation in Seattle’s premier high school orchestras. A high level of commitment to personal excellence and dedication to the team will be expected. Travel to local and regional festivals and participation in community-based events will also be required. Admission is by audition only.
Vocal Ensembles
7th & 8th grade Choir (MFA84098 Concert Choir)
The advanced choir is for 7th and 8th grade students who have successfully participated in choir at Jane Addams or somewhere else. Students will expand their sight-reading and music theory while focusing on performance techniques. Students are expected to be highly motivated and reflect an advanced ensemble attitude.
NEW Advanced Choir for 7th & 8th grade students
If you are interested in an audition ONLY Choir, please sign up for Concert Choir and then speak with Mr. Gagiu about auditioning for the Choir.
Introductory Band (MFA8509 Introductory Band)
This class is directed at students who have little or no instrumental music training. There will be time given to allow students to explore the instrument choices to better help them make the right decision on what they will choose for the year. Students will learn essential concepts and skills and will perform in three school concerts.
Premier Band (MFA8513 Premier Band)
This ensemble requires at least one year of middle school or two years of elementary instrumental experience and teacher approval. Students will continue to build their musical literacy and instrumental technique. There will be three concerts scheduled during the year for this group. Please review the classroom policies and concert attire guidelines.
Intermediate Band (MFA8436 Intermediate Band)
This ensemble requires successful completion of Intermediate Band or its equivalent and an audition. Students will expand their knowledge and skills through instrumental technique and literature. There will be three school concerts as well as other festivals and performances outside of school. Travel will be required.
Concert Band (MFA8407 Concert Band)
This ensemble requires successful completion of Junior Band or its equivalent. Students will expand their knowledge and skills through instrumental technique and literature as well as explore more advanced concepts of ensemble playing. There will be three school concerts as well as other festivals and performances outside of school. Travel will be required. Admission is by audition or teacher approval.
Jazz Band (MFA8511 Jazz Band; before or after school club and must be in a music class at JAMS)
This class focuses on advancing listening skills and playing techniques within the big band jazz idiom with the goal of making friends, having fun, and preparing students for successful participation in Seattle’s premier high school jazz ensembles. A high level of commitment to personal excellence and dedication to the team will be expected. A week-long intensive day camp in August is required for all ensemble members. Travel to local and regional festivals and participation in community-based events will also be required. Admission is by audition only.
World Language Department
All World Language classes are yearlong electives and high school level courses.
Spanish 1
This is a year-long course and covers Spanish 1A & 1B standards. This class is equivalent to the first-year high school course (Spanish 1). Upon successful completion of this course, students earn 1.0 high school credits. This course undertakes the study of the present tense of regular, irregular, and stem-changing verbs present tense of regular, irregular, and stem-changing verbs so that students can express themselves in simple sentences. This course is taught using a communicative approach, so students often work in pairs and groups as they build language skills. Students will explore the language and the diversity of Spanish-speaking communities through videos, current events, readings, music, dancing, art, storytelling, and projects. This course not only aims to teach students to understand, speak, read, and write Spanish at a basic level, but also to interest them in the life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Be prepared to work hard, have fun, and learn a lot!
Spanish 2
This is a year-long high school level Spanish course that builds upon the material learned in Spanish 1. Upon successful completion of this course, students earn 1.0 high school credits. New material includes past tense (preterite and imperfect), the introduction of commands, as well as other grammar and vocabulary that allow students to express themselves in more complex ways. Cultural enrichment is offered to students through videos, current events, readings, music, storytelling and projects. This course not only aims to teach students to communicate (understand, speak, read, and write) in Spanish, but also to interest them in the life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Be prepared to work hard, have fun and learn a lot!