Jane Addams Middle School

Jane Addams
Middle School

Attendance and Main Office FAQs

Attendance and Main Office FAQs

Jane Addams Attendance
or message via TalkingPoints

Jane Addams Main Office
or message via TalkingPoints

What to do if your student will be absent, late, or picked up early?

If your student will be absent for any reason (illness, appointment, travel, vacation, emergency, etc.), contact us. Your message should include student name, reason for absence, date(s) of absence, and time of arrival (for late arrival) or departure (for early dismissal). If you do not give a reason for the absence, it will be marked as unexcused.

Early dismissal procedure: Please contact us in advance of early dismissals, when possible – the previous day or before 10:30am on the day is ideal. We will deliver a pass to your student for the pickup time you designate. Most families find it easiest to meet their student at the front entrance on 34th Ave NE. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will assume that is where you want your student to be picked up. If your student does not show up for pickup, feel free to ring the doorbell at the front door or call the attendance office (206-252-4504) so we can call their classroom to remind them to leave.

If you are unable to give us advanced notice for an early dismissal, plan to come into the school to check your student out in person.

Late arrival procedure: Contact us or send a note with your student if they will arrive at school during the school day (after 8:55am). When your student arrives, they should check in at the attendance office (even if it’s during lunch or passing period), so we can update their attendance.

What is “Period 7?”

“Period 7” is Advisory, the short period at the beginning of the school day.

I received a message that my student was marked absent/tardy to a class, but I think it was a mistake. What can I do?

Please have your student check with their teacher regarding the absence/tardy. If your student and their teacher agree it was a mistake, let us know janeaddams.attendance@seattleschools.org and we will correct it.

What if my student wants to ride the school bus home with a friend or get off at a stop other than their assigned stop?

Email jams@seattleschools.org,  have your student bring a note to the office, or call by lunch time on the day they need the bus pass. The office will write a “yellow card” for your student to give the bus driver. Please include your student’s name and the name of the student they’re riding with or the route number and stop. We will not write bus passes after school to help ensure that all buses are able to leave on time.

How can I get my student an ORCA card to ride the Metro bus?

Youth ORCA cards are free to students 18 and younger! These are provided by ORCA and not SPS. Apply for an Orca card.