Picture Retakes 11/5

Picture Retakes 11/5
Yuen Lui Studio will photograph makeup/retake portraits at Jane Addams Middle School on Tuesday, November 5 from 11am-2pm. Students should stop by the auditorium during their lunch to have their photo taken.
Makeup portraits: students who missed picture day should plan on getting a portrait taken on November 5. Families can preorder makeup portraits here: 2024-25 Jane Addams Middle School Make-up/ Retake Day Pre-payments 11/5. Print portraits will be shipped to the school in approximately three weeks after makeup/retake day; digital portraits will be sent via email.
Retake portraits: students who preordered picture day packets for picture day can return their package to the photographer in exchange for a retake – a new package of the retake image for all returned packages will be issued at no charge. Retake replacement orders will be shipped to the school. Anyone can get a retake (please note that the retake image replaces the picture day image for PowerSchool and the yearbook).
Picture day portraits: all portraits previously photographed can be accessed via our website: Order School Photos — Yuen Lui School & Sports Photograph. The keyword is Jane Addams, and images are password protected by an online code, which is your student’s SPS ID number. All portraits that require an online code are shipped directly to your home.