Jane Addams Middle School

Jane Addams
Middle School


Attendance at Jane Addams Middle School

What should I do if my student is late or absent?

Call or email the Attendance Specialist at Jane Addams Middle School the morning of each absence, tardy, or early dismissal. Be sure to include student name, parent name, date, time they will miss, and reason for absence or tardy.

Julie Bradley
Attendance Specialist

Please notify your student’s administrator or counselor if you or your student are seeking support regarding attendance.


If a student goes on vacation during the school year, the student and their family must notify all teachers and the Attendance Office two weeks prior to the trip, giving as much advance notice as possible. Students must complete a pre-arranged absence form prior to the absence.  Forms are available in the attendance office. Teachers cannot guarantee and are not required to make assignments available for students before they leave on the trip. Upon a student’s return to school, it is their responsibility to collect missed work from each teacher and complete it by the date agreed to by the teacher, student, and family. While students can make up missed assignments, it is impossible to make up for the classroom experience, and we encourage families to arrange vacations during scheduled school vacations and holidays.